
     湿地是地球上生产力最高的生态系统之一,在环境健康、经济发展及生物多样性维持中起着十分重要的作用, 在地球气候和环境系统中的作用也日见显著。但是,湿地生态系统也面临着前所未有的挑战,在全球变化和人类活动等的多重影响下,现存湿地生态系统受损严重, 已经成为全球最为脆弱的生态系统之一。中国和美国作为发展中国家和发达国家的代表,在世界湿地研究与保护工作中起到至关重要的作用,两国学者开展深入学术 交流将有效推动湿地的研究与保护工作,促进两国在湿地领域的合作。


Wetlands are known as one of the most productive ecosystems of the earth, and they are playing vital roles in maintaining environmental health, economic development, and biodiversity; and wetland ecosystems are also playing an increasingly important role in mitigating the earth’s climate and environment systems. However, wetland ecosystems are facing unprecedented challenges in the context of global change and increasing anthropogenic activities. Currently, wetland ecosystems have been in a seriously degraded status and have become one of the most vulnerable ecosystems in the world. China and the United States are representatives of developed and developing countries, respectively, and thus it is of important significance to conduct collaborative research on wetlands between the two countries. In-depth academic interactions will effectively promote cooperation between the two countries in the research field of wetlands. “The 3rd China-US International Workshop on Wetland Science & The 2nd Summit Forum on Coastal Wetlands” will be held on September 17-18, 2016 in Xiamen, China. The theme of this conference is wetland ecosystems and global change – from science to management. All experts and researchers on wetlands from China and the United States are welcome! See you in beautiful Xiamen!